
5 steps to better pharmaceutical competitive intelligence - InfoDesk

Written by InfoDesk | May 22, 2023

In today’s highly competitive and rapidly advancing pharmaceutical industry, a well-oiled competitive intelligence process is essential in order to drive business success. To leverage the immense amount of data available, it is important to be able to sift through what matters – identifying competitive intel trends, determining how they affect your company, and acting upon them quickly. However, building an effective pharma competitive intelligence process can be daunting… Especially when trying to keep up with competitors who have already established strong foundations for their own competitive intelligence systems.

In this blog post, we will lay out our key guidelines, considerations, and general dos and don’ts when implementing an effective competitive intelligence process. You’ll learn organizational best practices for insights management platform integration, within large enterprises and small-to-medium-sized pharmaceutical businesses alike. Finally, you’ll gain insight into the core principles that must form part of any successful competitive intelligence setup – regardless of size or scope.

From creating automated workflows triggered by predetermined KPI thresholds; to establishing content standards and categories across your various sources. From segmenting users based on ability and information needs; to empowering meaningful visualizations that drive confident decision-making. Truly, every aspect of the competitive intelligence cycle is covered in this blog.

By leveraging competitive market intelligence tools to optimize your insights workflow, you can in turn elevate corporate goals, striving for a previously unattainable degree of success. Keep reading to find out how…

Take a data-driven approach to reporting with competitive intelligence services

Having access to competitive intelligence is undoubtedly a critical aspect of operating a successful pharmaceutical company. However, collecting pharma competitive intelligence data is only the first step. The key to staying ahead of competitors lies in taking a data-driven approach to competitive intelligence reporting and decision-making. This strategy leverages advanced analytics and business intelligence tools to provide a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the competitive landscape for pharmaceutical businesses.

By employing this competitive analysis approach, companies can uncover hidden yet valuable insights, and gain a strategic advantage that promises to translate into impressive bottom-line results… It’s a no-brainer.

So, where should you start?

Level up your competitive intelligence in 5 steps

1. Identify and understand the pharmaceutical competitive environment with marketing intelligence tools

To prosper in any industry, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of your competitive environment. Knowing who your competitors are, what they offer, and how they operate is crucial in order to devise a business development strategy that sets you apart. It’s not just about being aware of the competition; it’s about truly understanding them. This means identifying competitor brand messaging and market positioning, their strengths and weaknesses in specific markets, their unique selling points, their key opinion leaders, their target audience, and so on. To help you get started, here are our 7 key data sources you should be using for effective competitive intelligence.

Armed with this knowledge, you can better position your own products or services, refine your messaging, and develop a marketing strategy that stands out from the crowd. In short, understanding your competitive environment, via a powerful market intelligence tool, is a vital step toward achieving long-term success.

2. Define the goals and objectives of your competitive intelligence process

When it comes to the pharma industry, a well-thought-out competitive intelligence process (for example, a competitive analysis matrix) can make all the difference in staying ahead of the game. The goals of such a process should be multifaceted and future-focused – tracking emerging market trends, uncovering competitor strategies (including drug development plans and clinical trials), conducting business investor monitoring, and so on – ultimately informing strategic decision-making.

An effective competitive intelligence process should also set clear objectives, ranging from capturing and analyzing vast amounts of data, to identifying key market drivers and challenges. By setting measurable objectives and pursuing a robust pharma competitive intelligence strategy, pharmaceutical companies can stay abreast of the latest industry developments and maximize their commercial success.

3. Analyze the competition’s strengths and weaknesses

Analyzing the competition’s strengths and weaknesses is a crucial component of any company’s strategy, especially in the highly competitive world of pharmaceuticals, helping companies identify both opportunities and threats. By conducting a thorough analysis, you will not only identify gaps in the market, but also gain timely insights into your own business model, driving informed and competitive decision-making.

It is important to note, however, that while analyzing these strengths and weaknesses is important, it is equally important to focus on one’s own capabilities in order to counterbalance the competition effectively.

4. Develop a strategy to capitalize on pharma competitive intelligence

Now more than ever, it is vital to stay on top of the pharmaceutical market intelligence to give your company a competitive edge against rivals. So, develop a strategy that effectively capitalizes on this knowledge, leveraging your competitive insights in a professional and strategic way.

As a competitive intelligence professional, strive to be a thought leader, taking the lead in shaping best practices within the pharmaceutical space. By doing so, your company can stay ahead of the curve in identifying trends and market opportunities, better positioning your company for long-term success.

5. Monitor changes in the market and adjust your strategy as needed

As a pharma industry leader, it’s crucial to monitor changes in the market and remain nimble enough to adjust your strategy as needed. Indeed, in today’s fast-paced business world, successful pharma companies understand the importance of adapting to market fluctuations in order to remain competitive and grow.

Elegant agility, backed up by strategic insights, can make all the difference in the quality of products delivered, and ultimately in the bottom line. So, be sure to stay attuned to shifts in demand, emerging technology and regulatory changes. By tracking pharmaceutical market intelligence and building a culture of flexibility, organizations are able to provide industry-leading products and services to customers, outshining the competition.

The dos and don’ts of pharmaceutical competitive intelligence

By following these dos and don’ts, you can establish a solid foundation for an effective competitive intelligence process that empowers your organization to make informed and strategic decisions in a competitive industry…


✅ Establish a systematic and structured approach to collecting and analyzing competitive intelligence. Define clear processes and responsibilities within your organization.

✅ Leverage a variety of reliable and diverse sources for gathering competitive intelligence, including market research reports, industry publications, patents, clinical trial data, and social media. Implement robust pharma business intelligence software to unify your content.

✅ Ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive competitive intelligence data to protect your company’s intellectual property and maintain a competitive edge.

✅ Regularly update and validate your competitive intelligence to stay current with the rapidly evolving pharmaceutical landscape.

✅ Foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing within your organization, encouraging collaboration among teams to leverage insights effectively.


❌ Don’t rely solely on anecdotal or unreliable sources of information. Verify the credibility and accuracy of your data before making strategic decisions.

❌ Don’t overlook the ethical and legal considerations associated with gathering competitive intelligence. Respect intellectual property rights and adhere to regulations governing data privacy and confidentiality. The best market intelligence software should cover these bases as default.

❌ Don’t solely focus on your direct competitors. Keep an eye on emerging players, potential disruptors, and industry trends that may impact the market landscape.

❌ Don’t limit your analysis to the present. Consider future scenarios and industry developments to anticipate market shifts and proactively respond to emerging challenges and opportunities.

❌ Don’t neglect the importance of actionable insights. Ensure that the competitive intelligence you gather is translated into practical strategies and decision-making that drive your company’s growth and success.


In today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive market, it is essential for companies to have a carefully devised approach to pharma market intelligence. Merely identifying and tracking your competition’s activities is not enough. Understanding the business environment, setting goals and objectives, developing effective strategies in response to your findings, adapting as conditions change… All of these are key components of building a successful process and will ensure you maintain an advantage over the competition.

So, how can this be achieved? Integrating competitive intelligence services is a game-changer when it comes to driving an effective competitive intelligence process, enabling pharmaceutical companies to unlock a multitude of benefits. A robust competitive intelligence solution streamlines data collection, analysis and reporting, saving valuable time and resources. It enables seamless integration of multiple data sources, providing corporate executives with a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape. With advanced analytics and visualization capabilities, this empowers decision-makers with actionable insights, facilitating informed strategies and decision-making. Moreover, it fosters collaboration within the organization, ensuring the right stakeholders have access to relevant intelligence – whenever, wherever.

By embracing a CI solution, pharmaceutical companies can elevate their competitive intelligence game, stay ahead of the rapid innovation curve, and propel themselves toward sustainable success in a fiercely competitive industry.

Speak to our experts today to drive competitive intelligence success!


Are you ready to outsmart your competitors in the pharmaceutical marketplace?

Discover the secrets to success with a powerful competitive intelligence process. Leverage a competitive intelligence solution to understand your rivals inside out, set clear goals, analyze strengths and weaknesses, and make strategic moves. Now is the time to stay agile, embracing data-driven insights and actionable intelligence to become a thought leader in your industry.

Seize the competitive advantage to pave your path to success today.