
Curiosity, AI and the future of Intelligence

Written by WideNarrow | Apr 7, 2017

“Can AI Ever Be as Curious as Humans?”

A fascinating question for Intelligence professionals, and one we have asked ourselves many times, even if slightly rephrased for what we do:

“Could the future development of AI make human analysts and other intelligence professionals redundant?”

As for many other processes affected by AI, we believe the somewhat vague answer is: somehow, unless focus is shifted towards adding more value.

– Yes, several parts of an Intelligence workflow, i.e. collecting, organizing and aggregating external data and facts, can and should be increasingly automated over time.
– No, the value-adding parts of an Intelligence workflow, adding insightful human perspectives and conclusions on data and facts, will not be automated even in ten or twenty years time. If ever.

If you’re an Intelligence professional believing, like us, that curiosity is the fundamental element of successful Intelligence; this article published in the Harvard Business Review could provide some useful insights in preparing yourself (and your organization) for the future: